AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 4, Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1498691

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22 indie stylist Volume 4 Issue 1 THE CONSULT Educate Your Clients About Home Care Keep their hair in tip-top shape after they leave the salon by Liz Kline ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS No matter if they are a new client or a repeat client who gets the same service every time, you'll still want to take the time to ask what they want. First things rst—ask open-ended questions to get the conversation started. • "What do you like most about your hair?" The answer to this question helps you understand the things they absolutely love about their hair and either don't want to change or want to enhance. This may also help them open up about things they have disliked in the past. • "Did it wear the way you wanted it to since the last time you were in?" This question can be an indicator of growth pattern or the need to tweak the cut. • "Has your morning routine changed since the last time I saw you?" Maybe the client is now working from home instead of going to an ofce, and they have extra time in the morning to style their hair rather than working with the wash- and-go cut you've provided them in the past. • "What products are you currently using?" This can be an opportunity to understand how Have you ever left the doctor's office with a few prescriptions but without an understanding of when to take them or what they do? Or have you stopped at a makeup counter and enjoyed a wonderful makeover with all the products you need to replicate the look but when you got home you had no idea where to start? Our clients can feel the same way when we recommend home-care products to create the same look we gave them during their service. As licensed professionals, we must remember we are not only responsible for providing services to make our clients look and feel good, we are also obligated to educate clients on how they can achieve the same look at home. It can all start with the consultation.

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