AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 4, Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1498691

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94 indie stylist Volume 4 Issue 1 Your clients come to you to get away from the stress of their daily lives. So, it's only natural that they wouldn't want to step into a space that feels impersonal. They crave the relaxing embrace of a spa where they can truly escape. We gathered tips from Sarah Barnard, interior designer and owner of Sarah Barnard Design, and Gianpiero Gaglione, founder of GG Interiors, to help you design your space. WARM AND WOODSY Wood elements can be a way for your clients to feel grounded and connected to nature, even if your salon is in a bustling city. According to Barnard, "Blonde woods in particular can contribute to an environment that feels visually light and bright without feeling as potentially sterile as a white room." If you're worried about the durability of wood flooring, Gaglione suggests using a vinyl that looks like wood. LOW-KEY LIGHTING That harsh overhead lighting might make your guests feel like they're in a hospital waiting room or big chain store. At the chair, try to have additional "lighting come from wall lights, table lamps, or floor lamps," Gaglione says. "Side lighting not only makes you look better, but also makes a space feel warmer and cozier." IN FULL BLOOM Your potted plants are doing wonders for a calming ambiance already. But you can take it a step further by following Barnard's recommendation to incorporate biophilic elements throughout your space. "Botanical wall coverings and textiles have a personalized touch that draws a connection to nature while contributing to a more intimate spa environment, which may deepen relaxation and promote a sense of comfort," she says. the interior

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