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B 58 indie stylist Volume 4 Issue 1 Bliss at the Bowl Understanding the art of scalp massage Imagine for a moment you are the guest at a salon. Your stylist guides you to the shampoo bowl and instructs you to lean back and relax as you take in the sensory experience of a shampoo and conditioning treatment. Like most people, your life is full and fast-paced. So, simply reclining, closing your eyes, and allowing someone to wash your hair while basking in the aroma of the product feels like an extraordinary treat. Go ahead . . . brie y close your eyes and imagine every aspect of this experience as if you are the guest of honor. But wait! Just when you think it is coming to an end, something unexpected begins. Your stylist starts applying slower, deeper, and more intentional massaging motions to your scalp and neck. With zero effort, your breathing automatically slows and deepens, and your shoulders and jaw naturally soften. Go ahead, imagine it. Wouldn't this feeling of bliss be something you look forward to experiencing every time you return to the salon? I guarantee your guests will feel this way once you begin incorporating scalp massage into your repertoire. And all it takes is two extra minutes, along with a few simple (but very signi cant!) application strategies. Here, I'll show you how. by Cindy Williams