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20 AHP Indie Stylist Volume 5 Issue 2 Recognizing Domestic Violence in the Chair by Laura Puryear ADVOCACY AHP can blur. So, how do you know when it's OK to ask, "Are you OK?" According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), domestic violence affects about 41 percent of women and 25 percent of men in the US. Also, US crime statistics suggest approximately 1 in 5 homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. In other words, at some point in your career, you're likely to encounter signs of domestic violence with some of your clients. is leaves many in the industry wondering: What is your responsibility as a licensed cosmetologist when you suspect, or even know, that a client is in danger? It's a complicated question with an even more complicated answer. A thousand questions could run through your mind if you suspect something: Are bruises and bumps a sign of clumsiness or something else? Will calling law enforcement help the client or make things worse? What if the suspected abuser is in the salon with the client? Let's clarify your legal responsibility: Unless the client in question is a minor, cosmetologists are not mandatory reporters, meaning you're not legally required to report abuse in any state. Even then, mandatory reporting is usually limited to people working in health care and education. You should check your state's mandatory reporting laws for clarity around reporting the suspected abuse of minors. Conversely, you cannot get in legal trouble for reporting suspected abuse to law enforcement. You are not expected to be a hero, and you certainly aren't expected to do anything that As a beauty professional, you are in a position of privilege. Your clients trust you inherently. You are often privy to information about them that even their closest friends and family might not know. And you should be commended for that! You create a safe space in your chair where your clients feel comfortable enough to open up. Sometimes, even though it's out of your scope, the lines between cosmetologist and therapist