AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 4, Issue 2

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1511260

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Page 22 of 102

20 indie stylist Volume 4 Issue 2 THE CONSULT Overprocessed hair can be a nightmare, especially when a client comes in wanting a chemical service. I once had a client who wanted caramel highlights. Her hair felt very dry, and I had a gut feeling some treatment or product was in her hair. I asked her repeatedly if there was, but she assured me she had never colored or treated her hair. Being a new stylist at the time, I proceeded with the service without a test strand, and to my surprise, I found she had previously used henna on her hair. This henna contained metallic salts that, when mixed with the highlight chemicals, resulted in an exothermic reaction that caused the foils to quickly swell, smoke, and burn the client's hair, and the foils dropped straight from her head. Overprocessed Hair How and when to proceed or refuse the service by Liz Kline

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