AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 3 Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1467303

Contents of this Issue


Page 15 of 124

N ot a m e m b e r ? J o i n at a s so c iate d h a i rp rofe s sio n a ls .c o m 13 Beach Wave Breakthrough Perms have been on hairdressers' menus for decades, but not much about them has changed over the years— the endless rods, the processing time, the awful smell, the damage they cause to your clients' hair. Enter the next phase of professional texture services: Cali-Curl. Imagine having a client asking for soft, loose beach waves. You section their hair, then twist and wrap it around six (yes, six) reusable rings. You process and neutralize the hair without any obnoxious odor. You rinse, scrunch, then teach them how to care for it. They leave with a natural- looking head of soft waves and their retail products knowing they can go 3–5 days without a shampoo and the waves will last 3–6 months. Boom. (Continued on next page) COSMO CLIPS

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