AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 5 Issue 2

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1528796

Contents of this Issue


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Explore your benefits at associatedhairprofessionals.com 95 Discounts Just for You Discover these discounts and more, only for AHP members. Log in to your account and click "Discounts" at associatedhairprofessionals.com/members. DEAR LASH+LOVE Dear Lash+Love is a lash and lifestyle brand inspired by fashion and community. From trendy lash tees and accessories to business tips and lash artist collaborations, Dear Lash+Love is all about looking good and supporting women in the beauty industry! Shop the site, browse the blog, and get inspired from the brand's social media. AHP members receive an exclusive 20% sitewide discount. LUCI RING Shear cuts happen, especially on busy Saturdays, or when you just had your shears sharpened, or when you are learning something new! Every stylist needs to have a LUCi Ring on hand  for when life happens. It stops shear cuts . . . beautifully! AHP members receive a 15% discount on all website purchases. CONSTANT CONTACT Easy, aff ordable email marketing to keep you connected with your customers. Receive 20% off when you prepay for six months of service or 25% off when you prepay for one year. Access the discounts page to learn more or sign up. INSIDE AHP

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