AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 5 Issue 2

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1528796

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Explore your benefits at associatedhairprofessionals.com 17 Aura nails are a subtle yet intriguing trend that can exist as a singular design or a beautiful background to nail art for added depth. is trend elevates both manicures and artificial nails—auras not only add dimension to already beautiful nail art but they also provide a virtually endless combination of colors for you to choose from to ensure every client sees their vision of vibrance brought to life. Aura Nails Ethereal vibes brought to life by Christi VanZandt Photo by Christi VanZandt (@polishedinportland) NAIL FILE THE WHAT ARE AURA NAILS? Aura nails are aptly named after the concept of the colorful energy fields that some say surround all living beings. An aura has a concentration of color that fades toward the edges. With nails, this is often done in a circle to create a subtle fade from the center out. Typically, auras are a single color from the center, but there can also be multiple auras covering a nail. is trend is also sometimes called airbrush or blush. You don't need to have airbrush skills or equipment to create the look, and that technique could be dangerous. According to industry leader Jim McConnell, aerating gel polish in an airbrush system can be toxic to ourselves and our clients. When the chemicals (monomers) within gel polish are thinned with acetone to pass through the airbrush nozzle, they break down into smaller particles, increasing the potential risk of overexposure through the skin or lungs. To avoid this risk, you can safely use Aura nails are aptly named after the concept of the colorful energy fields that some say surround all living beings. nontoxic acrylic airbrush paint or avoid an airbrush completely. THE PIGMENT TECHNIQUE e best pigment type for this technique is pressed pigments. Loose pigments can be alluring, but they leave too much residue on the

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