AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 4, Issue 2

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1511260

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Page 60 of 102

58 indie stylist Volume 4 Issue 2 S Stepping into a career as a hair professional is unquestionably exhilarating. You get to pursue your passion and get paid for it—all while making your clients feel like a million bucks. Best of all, if you do things right, you can enjoy nancial stability, happiness, and freedom—maybe even more than if you took a "traditional" career path. What's more, a thriving, six- gure salary is de nitely possible (about 24 percent of hair professionals make this much if adjusted to a 40-hour work week 1 ), and regardless of your exact salary, you can absolutely enjoy nancial consistency and peace. Of course, this requires some hustle and strategic planning, but it can be done—even in a career that doesn't always offer a steady paycheck. If you're not quite sure how to get there, you're not alone. AHP Indie Stylist spoke with Anna Manukyan, whose career sits at the intersection of beauty and nance. She serves as head of education and creative for Ulta Beauty. She's also a certi ed nancial educator and the founder of the Beauty Finance Group, a resource that aims to improve nancial literacy among beauty professionals. Here, Manukyan shares her best insights on successful saving, investing, and money management for those getting started in the hair industry as well as those seeking stability years into their career.

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