AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 3, Issue 2

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1483267

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Page 92 of 100

90 indie stylist Volume 3 Issue 1 EFFORTLESS, MODEL OFF-DUTY CURLS by AIIR Professional GET THE LOOK Prep hair with Dry Texture Mousse for extra volume and holding power. Then, use Flexible Hold AIIR Spray to give the hair even more grit. Start curling, using a 1ΒΌ-inch barrel iron and pointing the barrel down. Continue curling from the nape of the neck to top of the head, directing curls away from the face. Lightly comb out your curls with a wide-tooth comb to break them up. For added volume, spray Texture AIIR at the roots and fluff hair. Stylist: Samantha Lindsay @samlindsayartistry, Lauren Wohlin @l.a.dub Wardrobe: Samantha Lindsay @samlindsayartistry, Lauren Wohlin @l.a.dub, Alexandria Burkfield @zandriadreamsbig Makeup: Mack Weaver @mackweaver_ Photographer: Justin Proctor @justinproctor_

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