AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 3 Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1467303

Contents of this Issue


Page 31 of 124

N ot a m e m b e r ? J o i n at a s so c iate d h a i rp rofe s sio n a ls .c o m 29 THE FORMULA THE PROCESS 1. Do a global highlight with Wella Professionals Blondorplex mixed with 20 Volume Developer, starting at the crown using a brick layer sectioning. 2. As you work your way around the head, include a medium weaving technique. 3. After letting the foils process for 35 minutes, rinse the foils out of the hair and shampoo twice with Wella Professionals ColorMotion+ Shampoo. 4. Tone with Wella Professionals Shinefinity shade 08/98 with the Wella Professionals Shinefinity Bottle Activator for an additional 20 minutes. 5. After that process, shampoo again with Wella Professionals ColorMotion+ Shampoo, followed by Wella Professionals ColorMotion+ Conditioner. 6. Towel-dry the hair, spray hair throughout with Wella Professionals Invigo Brilliance Miracle BB Spray, then blow-dry. 7. To style, flat iron the hair with a GHD flat iron and then curl the hair with a GHD 1-inch curling iron. 8. After finger-styling and separating the curls, use Wella Professionals EIMI Glam Mist Finishing Hair Spray for shine and Wella Professionals EIMI Stay Firm Workable Finishing Hairspray for extra hold. No More Platinum This season, warmer blonde is all the rage. Colorist Dereq Clark leads the way Dereq Clark @dereqc "Beige blonde might be this season's color," says Wella Professionals Brand Ambassador Dereq Clark. Try the new Wella Professionals Shinefinity Color Glaze line for those natural hues.

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