AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 2 Issue 4

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1421270

Contents of this Issue


Page 121 of 124

N ot a m e m b e r ? J o i n at a s so c iate d h a i rp rofe s sio n a ls .c o m 119 ahP beNeFits For Real Professionals AHP membership has the resources you need Our industry—and the world—is changing every day. Keep up with the latest news at associatedhairprofessionals.com. • Back to Business Guide: Tips and advice on how to ready yourself, your space, and your clients for our post-COVID world • COVID-19 Updates: Legislative news, coronavirus answers from epidemiologist Dr. Tessa Crume, and blogs written by top industry experts • Help for Students: In cosmetology school? Join for free and get access to study guides, an online portfolio, sample resumes, invites to live webinars, and more From discounts on continuing education and trade shows to exclusive savings on professional tools and marketing apps, AHP has what you need to keep your business running smoothly. AHP members can take advantage of great deals from big brands, such as Sally Rogerson Education, Bonika Shears, H&R Block, and Constant Contact. Smart hair professionals realize that, while being named in a lawsuit is unlikely, it's not worth risking your career. In this sue-happy age, it's expensive to defend yourself, even when you've done nothing wrong. Why chance it when excellent protection is so aff ordable? Associated Hair Professionals (AHP) off ers protection with the industry's best value in cosmetologist liability coverage. Ours are the highest aggregate coverages available: • $2 million per occurrence • $6 million total per policy year (for YOU, not shared with other professionals) Insure your equipment and products for up to $10,000 at a cost of just $95/year in addition to your annual membership with optional business personal property insurance. AHP also off ers $25,000 coverage for $250 per year should you need a higher limit. Join us today! Visit associatedhairprofessionals.com and see how we can help you grow your business, engage with your community, and protect your career. Real savings Real information Real protection

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