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N ot a m e m b e r ? J o i n at a s so c iate d h a i rp rofe s sio n a ls .c o m 31 IF NOT A BRAND, WHAT THEN? The rules really haven't changed. If you have a voice and your own style, brands will seek you out. You know, we work with influencers and brand partners, which can be quite lucrative. Influencers can make a lot of money, so work on your talent and build a good following on Instagram. If you find something you love to do, people will find you. HOW DO YOU SEE THE INDUSTRY EVOLVING IN 2021? I honestly don't have a firm answer because I see how even the biggest companies have been hit. Of course things will come back, but I think people definitely want to reinvent. I hear from a lot of stylists who don't want to go back to that heavy slog of two or three clients at a time. They are enjoying just one client at a time before moving on to the next. People will figure out how to make it work. I don't know if it's going to be big salons anymore. People I know in Los Angeles have converted rooms in their house or in the garage and are just trying to support themselves. If it's working for them, I think it's going to continue. WHAT TRENDS DO YOU SEE FOR 2021? It feels so in-between right now. Everyone is shedding a skin, reinventing themselves. I think there will be this newer look, but I think it will be a lot more simplified. At some point, people may get bored and want to be more extravagant again, but I think with everything that's going on in the world—and how people are feeling—we will still be pared down for a while. Statuesque Hair: Lucie Doughty Makeup: John Stapleton Wardrobe: Pedro Zalba Photographer: Albert Sanchez