N ot a m e m b e r ? J o i n at a s so c iate d h a i rp rofe s sio n a ls .c o m 17
the formula
"I love to use [this technique] because it creates a seamless
transition between colors. I wanted the final look to
create a strobing effect in the hair," Gonzalez says.
The model was pre-lightened to a pale yellow
and pre-toned prior to the final color application.
Then, the final colors are applied with a fine mist
water bottle in layers to create an ombre effect.
Aveda Full Spectrum Demi
A. + 20g 0N + 20g 10N + 4g Light Ash + 40g 5v
Developer Aveda Full Spectrum Permanent
Hair Color
B. 30g Universal 0N + 10g Blue Pure Pigment
+ 40g 10v Developer
C. 40g 5v Liquid Developer + 1g Blue Pure Pigment
D. 80g 5v Liquid Developer + 10g Violet Pure Pigment
+ 2g Blue Pure Pigment
Step 1: Pre-lighten hair to a pale yellow and tone
with Formula A.
Step 2: Dry hair and section into quadrants. Work in ¼"
slightly diagonal sections from bottom to top.
Step 3: Apply Formulas B–D using the
following techniques:
• Formula B: Apply to the root
area using a brush.
• Formula C: Apply to the midshaft
using a fine mist spray bottle.
• Formula D: Apply to the ends
using a fine mist spray bottle.
Step 4: Separate each section with plastic
wrap to prevent bleeding.
Step 5: Allow to process. Then rinse,
shampoo, and condition.
The Watercolor
Heggy Gonzalez
Heggy Gonzalez, creative mentor for Inspire
Greatness Aveda Institutes, shares a formula for
an application process she created and dubbed
the "Watercolor Technique."