AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 2, Issue 3

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1380995

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96 indie stylist Volume 2 Issue 3 the throwback Rock Around the Clock Originally the bad boy look of the 1950s, the pompadour may never go out of style by Mary Barthelme Abel Featuring sleek sides and a voluminous top, the hairstyle that defined Elvis, James Dean, and bad boys everywhere may well be the ultimate classic contemporary hairstyle for men. The pompadour: Its simple dimensions, head-turning impact, and infinite versatility keep it in the forefront of men's hairstyles. The pompadour's timeless appeal may be due to its ability to look well- groomed, masculine, and edgy—all at the same time. Because of this, rocking a pompadour is a still great option for any gent who wants some debonair flair.

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