AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 2, Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1339654

Contents of this Issue


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58 indie stylist Volume 2 Issue 1 the throwback The Spiral Perm Think the days of doing perms are behind you? Think again. by Mary Barthelme Abel Are you old enough to remember spiral perms? Spiral perms were one of the trendiest styles of the 1980s; I was in high school then, and I can tell you—all the popular girls had them. The whole idea of getting a perm quickly faded away in the 1990s, when stick-straight hair was all the rage. (Think Brazilian blowouts and keratin treatments.) As things do, curly hair is coming back—and believe it or not, so are spiral perms. The result of shoulder-length or longer hair being rolled into a perm rod vertically is a spiral shape that looks a lot more natural than the average beauty-shop perm of the old days. With textured looks (and the idea of embracing natural hair texture) coming back into the fore, this retro style is coming back in a fun, modern way. Modern spiral perms can create big, loose curls; they work on shorter hair; and they can be combed out to create soft, beachy waves. And with an endless supply of curl-loving products, it's easy to keep the frizz and damage at bay.

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