AHP Indie Stylist

Volume 1, Issue 1

Issue link: https://www.ahpindiestylist.com/i/1250436

Contents of this Issue


Page 52 of 72

Get the Look Start with towel-dried, slightly damp hair. Apply Cloud Air Light Mousse from roots to end and blow-dry thoroughly with paddle brush. Lightly halo hair with Aerodynamics Light Weight Finishing Spray. Use a one-inch curling iron and imprint some waves by only closing the iron handle slightly so you don't create marks in hair. It is best to have the barrel facing down (not sideways or up). Start at the front and work your way to the back. Make sure you start from the center of hair to the ends, creating an S wave with the iron. Let sit for 5 minutes to cool down without touching. Apply Tousled Texture to finish. Take a large, wide- tooth comb (like Re-Comb) and comb out to loosen the look. artist collective 50 indie stylist Volume 1 Issue 1

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